April 14, 2015
Thoughts on Crashing by Bob Garot, is now available in hardcover edition too.
  August 14, 2014
Our next projec: The Italian Americans of Los Angeles, conversations and identities.
  New Providence Writers
A group for writers and friends to share work in progress and spend time together.
  We are a newborn publishing house with a will to grow. Our first book, Thoughts on Crashing, is fresh out of the press. What moves us? An immeasurable love for books, for creativity and for independent thinking.

The idea to create a publishing house has been several years in the making, but it was the recent changes in the publishing industry, with the advent of e-books and print-on-demand, that made it possible.
This is an exciting time to be an independent publisher. Every traditional canon, rule and role has been upended by the spread of digital media. It’s a world in change, full of opportunities for emerging authors and mind-blowing new choices for readers.

In his climate, many writers choose to self-publish. Yet this choice is not for the faint of heart. A self-publishing author must be ready to be a graphic artist, a copyeditor, a computer guru, an accountant, a marketing expert, and even a bit of a traveling performance artist. No surprise then that a myriad of services geared to ease the burden has emerged in recent years. Independent publishing houses have also multiplied, often offering all of these services as well.

As an admittedly tiny beginner, our first goal is to strengthen our legs a little step at a time. We are not accepting unsolicited submissions yet, but we will soon.

Starting October 1st, 2014, we are starting a collaboration with Elm Books. An independent publisher and distributor, Elm Books emphasizes the role of editors in the publishing process. Their publications include mysteries, romance, disability literature and scholarly works in history and anthropology. See their current calls for submissions. Follow them on Facebook Twitter. Or see their Facebook group Kids of Color Children's Books. We trust that our collaboration will allow us to share our experience as publishers, increasing the range of our publications and the exposure of our authors.

Meet our main editor, Valentina Pagliai
Valentina received her PhD in anthropology from the University of California Los Angeles in 2000. In her long career as a professor she taught at UCLA, California State University Long Beach, Oberlin College, American University and the City University of New York. For more info on her academic career, see her academic homepage.

Valentina loved editing since she her student years, and while her past work has been mainly in the academia, she is ready to dedicate herself to other genres. From 2010 until 2013 she was the main organizer for the New Providence Writers group, in New Jersey. In 2010 she joined the Science Fiction Association of Bergen County and in 2013 the Liberty States Fiction Writers association. These experiences allowed her to meet with both aspirant, first time and established authors and further her knowledge of the publishing industry. Valentina, who is Italian American, is currently spending a period in Italy with her family, her kids and her cat. She loves reading all kinds of books, from travelogues to memories. In non-fiction, her expertise is in the Social Sciences, particularly anthropology, linguistics, sociology and psychology. She also enjoys folk lit. In fiction, she appreciates all kinds, from a good romance to an engrossing mystery, but she is a real sucker for speculative lit, poetry and graphic novels.

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